Tales from my week. 30th July — 5th August
On Tuesday we had our team away day in Birmingham. Our deployments are responsive to business need, therefore we’re usually distributed across multiple parts of the department and don’t get to work together on a day-to-day basis. It’s always interesting when we have chance to come together and share our experiences and lessons learned. The cherry on top was being complimented on my new glasses.
I’ve requested funding from my workplace to attend a conference later this year. There’s no guarantee my application will be successful, however I’m proud that I asked. On previous occasions I’ve missed out because I didn’t feel I could ask or felt that I wasn’t worth the money; now I recognise that my development is also a benefit to the business.
Lauren posted in UPFRONT Global Bond on Monday about setting ourselves a mini challenge, which could be anything that stretched us outside of our comfort zone (work-related, family, financial, or something else). I’ve been incredibly busy recently so set myself the modest challenge of tidying my home, as the clutter was getting me down. I’ve been putting away one item for every time I move between rooms and I’m already seeing the difference.
I’m starting to get excited for autumn contests with Flowers. We received the parts for National Finals this week, and I’ve confirmed the bookings for our guest players. Our band is getting better each and every year, and the major tests of our progress will come in September-November.
There’s been a lot of context-switching this week, as we’ve been juggling bug fixes and enhancements from last week’s service launch with forward planning. I enjoy being stretched and having a broad understanding of the different activities that are going on, but it is particularly taxing on the brain cells and by Wednesday lunchtime I’d burned through most of my concentration power for the week.
I know I’m in need of a holiday when I’m overcommitted and lose my ability to pace myself; thankfully I’ve got a few days off to recharge my batteries and return with renewed enthusiasm.
I’m feeling very inspired this week by England’s win at the Euros and the successes of the Commonwealth Games. There are so many moments to celebrate. I particularly enjoyed Chloe Kelly’s rendition of ‘Sweet Caroline’, Eilish McColgan’s triumph in the 10,000m, and the para-triathlon.
No significant progress to report this week, however I had a call with the lovely folks at Guthrie & Ghani, who I’ll be visiting in a couple of weeks’ time, to talk about project ideas and fabric choices.
The Week Ahead
On Tuesday I’ll be making Proms debut with Tredegar Band. There are tickets available and it will be broadcast on BBC Radio 3 and BBC Sounds. I’ve been fortunate to play on some incredible stages in my musical career, and this will be my fourth appearance at the Royal Albert Hall. I’m incredibly excited to be back on the stage, and at an event that’s so widely recognised and appreciated.
I’m hopeful that I can find some time for IRL coffees with friends and colleagues while I’m in the city.