Tales from my week. 25th — 29th July
- On Thursday we launched a service which is the culmination of two months of intensive effort. I’m proud we got it out of the door on time, and we found a smooth rhythm of test-fix-test-deploy in the lead up.
- I proactively booked Friday afternoon off in anticipation that I’d be tired after the aforementioned release; this turned out to be an excellent idea. I went to see ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ which was the ideal way to switch off and get away from the incessant notifications.
- We’ve had a few new team members join us recently, and it feels like we’re starting to gel together nicely. We’re able to distribute work more evenly, and it’s energising to have people around who want to get stuck in and bounce new ideas.
- I found time to tune in for some of the Citizens Advice cost of living briefing. It was fascinating (and frankly horrifying) to see the data on the growing need for support, particularly the impact on disabled people.
- We’ve been working to extremely tight and inflexible timescales, which has meant some late nights and frayed nerves. Five months into the ‘Homes for Ukraine’ programme and we’re still moving extremely quickly. I’m amazed how much we have achieved in such a short time, but it is exhausting and I (and others) am in need of a break.
- The loneliness has been biting this week, as the combination of working from home and band summer break have meant I’ve had limited human contact. I’ll be back in the office for some of next week, and I’m looking forward to catching up with my fellow rapid responders.
- Women’s Euros semi-final and final
- Motel Makeover on Netflix
- RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 7 Finale
- Knitting my way through Laine’s ’52 Weeks of Socks’. Currently on pair #2
- 70% complete sewing a pink wool blazer
- I’m trying my hand at acrylic painting, starting small scale with greetings cards for friends and family
The Week Ahead
- I’m hopeful that next week will be calmer and we’ll have opportunities to consolidate, reflect and plan ahead, now that our most pressing deadline has passed.
- A few of our team have taken well-earned breaks during July. Next week we’ll, at least for a short time, be back to a full complement.
- I’m collecting my new glasses tomorrow. I’m excited to see how much difference a small change in prescription can make, especially given how much of my day I spend at the computer.
- I’m looking forward to watching the Commonwealth Games from Birmingham. I thoroughly enjoyed the opening ceremony — car-eography, poetry, giant props, Ginny Lemon, the CBSO, Joe Lycett — what more could you want?